Carlos Rodrigo


Where I've been

Work values

  1. Win/win/win: I always aim to find a win for the customer, a win for the company, and a win for myself.
  2. Solutions : I find solutions, I fix problems.
  3. Communicate early and often: My stakeholders and collaborators should know what’s going on continuously.
  4. Nothing is “not my job”: If I see a pressing problem, I gather context and fix it.

What I do best

How I work

I believe everyone should state how to work and share it with co-workers and stakeholders.

  1. Email is the best way to contact me. Chat, slack... just gets lost. I try to funnel all my inputs to my various emails accounts.
  2. I work M-F, 09.30-17.30. (Sometimes more, if needed).
  3. If you need anything from me, please clearly let me know what is needed and when.
  4. I prefer meetings after 10 am, and before 16 pm.
  5. My time zone is GMT+2.(Madrid, Spain)