These are the people on which I have surely read or listened a bio about, and surely read their wikipedia page.
Stephen Hawking: great achievements despite limitations
Winston S. Churchill: Great orator, nobel prize winner, great leader
Alan Turing: Code breaking
Richard Dawkins: scientific "evangelism" ;)
Elon Musk: though less and less
Richard Feynman: Nobel prize, drawing, bongo playing, lock-picking
Isaac Newton: Calculus, Laws of motion, 3-body problem, philosopher's stone (?)
Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice
Charles Dickens: A Christmas Carol
Napoleon: Great leader and strategist
Marie Curie: 2 Nobel prizes in 2 different subjects
Carl Sagan: great scientist, great writer
David Hume: great philosopher, great scotsman
Adam Smith: great economist, great scotsman
Benjamin Franklin: very proactive, renaissance man