Carlos Rodrigo

2 podcasts and biographies

While listening to the How to Take Over the World episode of Rasputin, one of the plugs was for another similar podcast that delves into fictional biographies, it's called Becoming the main character.

Both podcasts, synthesize books on real or fictional characters, to find the hows and whys people became great.

This led me to think about why I read biographies (mainly audiobook format), such as Teddy Roosevelt's, Churchill's, Napoleon's, Hawkings's, Feynman's, Von Neumann's and Gordon Brown's...

I concluded that I look for alternatives that have not crossed my mind and special ingredients that these people may have that took them to a higher level in history.

We are all made of the same stuff, we all have the same 24 hours/day and roughly the same 30000 days/life, though some people achieve greatness, as per historical standards, and others just whiz by without a trace...

Please listen to these podcasts, I am currently listening to the Paul Atreides episode which is very interesting.

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